Wild meat hunting levels and trade in a West African protected area in Togo



We assessed numbers and biomass of species hunted sold for wild meat in 12 park-adjacent settlements the Fazao Malfakassa National Park (FMNP), Togo. From hunter interviews market carcass counts, 33 species, 28 from 26 surveys were taken, respectively. A total 2605 animals recorded study, 18 during wet season (740 animals) dry (1865 animals). In markets, 754 carcasses 19 traded season, 1896 24 season. Most relatively small-bodied mammals (62% reported), rest large ungulates. Species generally minor conservation concern (LC or NT) with only three EN NE. gathered field data, we estimated that an average 9095 ± 5613 per study village year, amounting to a 198,334 191,930 kg. Despite efforts protect wildlife within FMNP, reported level hunting, particularly ungulates park, hunting is likely have severe consequences on long-term viability this important protected area. Nous avons évalué le nombre et la biomasse des espèces chassées vendues pour viande sauvage dans établissements adjacents au parc national de À partir entretiens avec les chasseurs décomptes du marché, espèces, enquêtes sur marché ont été prises, respectivement. Au total, 2,605 animaux enregistrés l'étude, pendant saison pluies animaux) sèche (1,865 animaux). Sur marchés, commercialisées sèche. La plupart étaient mammifères corps relativement petit (62 % d'animaux signalés), reste étant grands ongulés. Les généralement préoccupantes ou seulement trois données terrain recueillies, nous estimé qu'une moyenne 9,095 5,613 par d'étude chassés an, ce qui équivaut à une Malgré protéger faune PNFM, niveau chasse signalé, en particulier ongulés parc, signalé est susceptible d'avoir graves conséquences viabilité long terme cette importante zone protégée. Well-managed areas anywhere world are fundamental biodiversity (Coad al., 2015). If adequately managed, these can also play significant role as source wildlife, food communities. Indirect benefits such include income employment (Angelsen & Wunder, 2003). However, even though communities nominally excluded nearby areas, illicit extraction remains main threat. Understanding supplying adjacent essential resolve prevent conflict between policymakers, local communities, managers conservationists (Oldekop 2016). Unsustainable most danger populations globally 2019), permeability remain threat natural resources their boundaries. Hunting mammals, impacted many especially taxa body sizes, slow reproductive rates little behavioural adaptability (Abernethy 2013; DiMarco 2014; Wilkie 2011). As result, continue decline (Campbell 2008; Craigie 2010) there reports probable extinction like West African Miss Waldron's red colobus monkey, Procolobus badius waldroni (McGraw, 2005; Oates 2000). its importance, environments arguably among critically fragmented regions planet (Mallon Logging, mining, human population growth threaten all habitats, region's tropical forests where 10% original cover (Ola Benjamin, 2019). Today, endangered highly biodiverse habitats Africa confined close 2000 nationally designated around 9.6% region (CILSS, small, varying <1 km2 over 97,000 53 international designations, including 17 Biosphere Reserves Large clusters sites, however critical support viable larger ensure fully functioning, dynamic ecosystems Within Dahomey Gap Africa, biogeographically distinct corridor forest–savannah mosaic separating Upper Lower Guinean rain forest blocks (Demenou 2016; Salzmann Hoelzmann, 2005), (FMNP) Togo one largest areas. being country (Atsri 2018; MPTHU, 2001; Segniagbeto 2017), information status area (as well others region) largely absent. noted Tranquilli al. (2014), known fauna Such dearth zoological has been highlighted by Amori (2012, 2016), first systematic inventory (Matschie, 1893a, 1893b, 1893c) was updated 2016 (Amori 120 years later. Degradation fragmentation closed-canopy tree savannah southern-central 2018) northern (Folega Polo-Akpisso 2020) continued unabated since 1980s. Northern Togo, forests, savannahs wetlands decreased at 5.74%, 3.94% 2.02%, respectively, annually croplands increased annual rate 285.39% 1987 2013 (Polo-Akpisso 2020). During similar time period, FMNP 40% 20%, agroforestry, shrub woodland 2018). Not did percentages change, but habitat vegetation types. status, anthropogenic activities alongside bush fires caused major degradation 60% 10-km wide buffer affected Togo´s more than fivefold 1960 2020 increase 2.8% (min: 0.9%, max: 4.8%) 1961 2019 (The World Bank, 2021). Whilst limited small animals, poaching intensively repressed up 1990 authorities responsible country, after which civil unrests led extensive species. For example, some not started hunt themselves seem encouraged illegal hunters neighbouring countries (Tchamiè, 1994). After 1999 end political unrest, restructuring system aimed balancing need protecting needs whilst rehabilitating revised consensus people. By 2018, 10 priority-protected consolidated 85% area, progress towards sustainable management resulted increases elephant (Roby, funding, continuing agricultural expansion encroachment human–wildlife conflicts (especially human–elephant conflicts) still endanger Hunting, mostly targeting ungulates, undisturbed degraded 2020), offtake meat, traditional medicine exotic pet trade occurs boundaries park (Segniagbeto Camera trap studies Assou (2021) captured images poachers, community members, domesticated dogs cattle park. direct assessment levels undertaken. sale sample villages FMNP. The currently grazing, timber exploitation, (Assou 2021; Atsri 2020; 2017). Using semi-structured applied 185 villages, documented traded. then extracted year. Our results allow us estimate affecting Based findings, propose ways further documenting dependence recommend security centre west border Ghana, holds (Figure 1). Terrain rugged includes ‘Monts Malfakassa’ north Fazao’ centre; it incorporates ‘Falaise Boulowou’ cliffs along western edge. Located limit Sudanian ecological zones, characterised dense semi-deciduous scattered woodlands, latter occurring southern part Habitats (Afzelia africana, Anogeissus leiocarpus Isoberlinia doka Monotes kerstingii–Uapaca togoensis communities), stands gallery (Dialium guineense, Antiaris Berlinia grandiflora), submontane grass-covered hilltops. Annual rainfall ranges 1200 1500 mm, April October Mean temperature approx. 27.5ºC, while mean 25ºC (Adjoussi, created 1975 combining Forest Reserve (1620 km2) (300 km2). It managed Ministry Environment Resources (MERF), Swiss Franz Weber Foundation 2015, 2015 again MERF added UNESCO Heritage Site Tentative List 2012 (UNESCO, 2021) mixed (cultural + natural) category. social upheavals 1990s into eco-guard brigades checkpoints re-established south-eastern 2014 Historically, 57 mammal (excluding bats) historically Recent observations, camera trapping staff, confirm present five previously unreported Noteworthy recently described Walter's duiker (Philantomba walteri), (Loxodonta africana) elephants cyclotis), Western hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus major), white-bellied pangolin (Phataginus tricuspis) apparent absence IUCN-Red Listed threatened White-thighed Colobus monkey (Colobus vellerosus) vulnerable golden cat (Caracal aurata), notable surrounded 11 municipalities encompassing 55 villages; 120,000 inhabitants according 2010 general census These inhabited several different ethnic groups: Tem, Kotokoli, Agnanga, Adélé, Bassar, Losso Kabyè 10-km-wide legally constituted no plan exists. This rise continues damage due agriculture charcoal firewood production Human–wildlife conflicts, land ecoguard–farmer widespread, 50%, 25% interviewed respectively (2020). According Saparapa (2018), 42% villagers living near said they knew percentage respondents (58%) believed should access (84%) do want be abolished. Although majority (89%) considered almost quarters (73%) mentioned inconveniences, (91%) referred wildlife. surrounding activity Regular target smaller prey, particular greater cane rat (Thryonomys swinderianus) hare (Lepus microtis), common disturbed inside outside kob (Kobus kob), bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus) intact portions undertaken persons who identify hunters, farmers, women children, people set snares occasionally. our selected contained markets focused activity. Hunters lived meat. Out 14 possessed eight situated north-western six Permission granted two because suspicion generated past ecoguards hunters. therefore conducted remaining representing sampling effort 22% Population sizes periphery (data H. Atsri, pers. comm.) averaged 478.7 360.7 (n = 49) inhabitants, slightly lower (389.4 122.8, n 7). Data composition available. Distance located perimeter focussed those persons, men, defined someone killed provide his family and/or sell every month each village, approached chief leader introducing project purpose work, if he consented, asked introduce other interview. snowball method, number resident village. Hunter carried out (5 Feb. 3 Mar. (1–15 Jun. Jul. 21–5 Aug. interview, basic demographic (location, education, gender, age, residency ethnicity) followed details practices (where, when, weapons, economic importance). attempted contact same always possible. Each questioned about days (a seven-day period season). To obtain recall 7 prior principle free, informed consent (FPIC) guidelines ethical research British Sociological Association (BSA, 2017) when conducting interviews. Ethical approval obtained University Lomé. All potential interviewees apprised aims notified any given would confidential. Team A.S-O, A.H. D.A, structured interview questionnaire (Appendix S1), presented interviewee French dominant language. Interviewees provided names language (Table translated scientific Kingdon (2013) (2016) Borrow Demey (2014) birds Trape (2012), (2011, 2015) reptiles. (Cephalophus dorsalis/C. rufilatus; Mungos mungo/M. gambianus), able distinguish separate denote pairs single forthwith. Wild Only displayed counted. stall owners show visit. Identification animal made team members D.A undertook surveys. trained zoologists could visited each, Days chosen ad hoc basis. Estimates before counts taken (Avila Martin observed stalls (Fa 2006) Nigeria Cameroon. possible day (wet season: 184 days, days) multiplied result (see Appendix S2). calculated product (averaged seven observation above). sum values seasons S3). converted biomass. Biomass multiplying mass (kg) S4). adult males females Body data (2013), Dunning (2007) reptiles descriptive statistics ANOVA, Spearman’s rank correlation Student t-test using software PAST, version 3.25 (Hammer sampled villages. aged 25 62 old 352 15.4 29.3 (range 5–32; median 14; 185) 14.7 9–57; 33; 352). 18% 29–86%; 51; 12). Interviewed belonged four ethnicities: Kotokoli (55%, 102), Bassar (43%, 79) (2%, 4); predominant groups region. had formal education (58%, 107), 36.2% 67) finished primary schooling 6% 11) completed secondary school. (86%, 159) families, 65% 121). earning 78) respondents, 58% 107). confirmed chiefly boundaries, both night. recorded, Overall, 10), carnivores 6), rodents 3), primates, 2) pangolin, lagomorph, insectivore each. (85%) (least concern, LC threatened,NT, categories IUCN Red List) S5). One listed endangered, EN, others, crocodile pooled, killing 740; 1865) 2). significantly higher (Student t-test: t 2.09, p 0.042). vary S3) (one-way ANOVA: F11,228 1.58, 0.104), difference F11,300 2.07, < 0.05). (754 carcasses) 1,896 belonging 3). There statistical differences S4) (Kruskal–Wallis H (χ2) 11.26, Hc (tie corrected) 13.77, 0.131). On hand, among-villages statistically 29.47, 30.28, 0.0001). collected 2590 these, annum Gambian (Cricetomys rat, hare, double-spurred spurfowl (Francolinus bicalcaratus) helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris), contributed 62% 1615) individuals hunted. lowest year roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus koba). Over 61% 77% extracted. Characteristically, <4 kg three-quarters 1400 (average weight 0.98 kg), hares (2.3 kg) rats (4.1 (Syncerus caffer, koba Kobus ellipsiprymnus) 3% evidence size negatively correlated (Spearman´s rho −0.38, R² 0.15, 0.051; 23). much S5) Table terms contribute 5.9% positive relationship contribution overall (Spearman’s 0.79, R2 0.61, 0.001). Togo's PA estate (gazetted 1939 1958) included 83 sites covered, until late 1980’s, approximately 793,000 ha (or 14% country's surface). Of 628,000 composed parks reserves, represented 11% surface (UNDP, reserves designed protection elephants, buffalo, hippopotamus, hartebeests diversity flora restored throughout 1970s 1980s Since socio-political near-total withdrawal development cooperation, severely Consequently, suffered poor respected, invasions through unsustainable exploitation (bushfires, fuelwood production, hunting). attempt assess occur sold, (2021). expected, actual less suggest although determine what proportion game serves refuge large-bodied (particularly rodents) modified figures populations, Nonetheless, aware estimates exhaustive, know informal networks bypass markets. Therefore, assessments treated minimum represent quarter 50 exist. better understand impact necessary park; Further improve estimates, confident covered recalls observations (close 3000 168 realistic way determining accuracy estimates. may biases extrapolating short-term recalls, extending beyond week impractical will inability detect event interest. Thus, 7-day short enough vivid. Designing future accurate fraught difficulty costs. Seasonal hunted, diversity, clearly found study. occurred months December corresponding opposed (June–September). own take grasses taller open rains, making difficult see animals. fires, visible thus allowing stalk kill prey easily. reflect seasonality ecosystem. typical systems Sub-Saharan e.g. Fa abundant. universal density explain fact that, studied system, rats, naturally More importantly, pursuit rural indigenous easier procured cheaper methods dogs, traps. record used informally observe shotguns employed down only, so neighbours middlemen known. considerable. means substantial consumed families non-market buyers. figures, amounts resource livelihoods deduce 1600 75 roughly 74 view live Given km2, km2. Comparisons yet possible, significant. jointly requires continuation dialogue reinforcement measures. Biological needed whether sustainable, urgently needed. serious ubiquitous problem, suggesting ungulate PAs lack effective activities, sometimes decades (Fischer Linsenmair, Taïga Conservation just environments, must combine law enforcement revenues peoples unrelated poaching. Importantly also, well-motivated, properly equipped wardens ensured. Project Strengthen Role System Protected Areas provisional Development Plan Management (PAG) 2018–2027. effect, poses real problem defining option Moreover, strategy, available validated 2018 2019–2029 implemented validation, specific monitoring infancy, pose problems implementation PAG. leads availability distribution reemphasise here though, shown productive least (and protein nutrients people), focus herbivores primates greater. all, importance iconic antelope, interest disclose. findings author upon reasonable request. Please note: publisher content functionality supporting supplied authors. Any queries (other missing content) directed article.

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عنوان ژورنال: African Journal of Ecology

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['1365-2028', '0141-6707']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/aje.12983